sexual hygiene

Topical Term
sexual hygiene

It's perfectly normal

changing bodies, growing up, sex, and sexual health
Provides answers to nearly every conceivable question children may have about sexuality, from conception and puberty to birth control and AIDS.

Sex ed

A sex education guide for teens, discussing the changes teenagers experience physically and emotionally, and providing answers to questions young people may have about relationships, getting serious, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, pregnancy, and homosexuality.


an uncensored introduction
Offers teens information on a wide range of topics related to sex, including first-time concerns, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual orientation.

Safe sex

Examines many diseases which can be contracted through sexual intercourse and explains how teens may protect themselves.

STDs--sexually transmitted diseases

what you should know and how to protect yourself
Explains the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. Includes methods to protect oneself against getting the diseases and lists the potential effects on fertility and pregnancy.

The truth about sexual behavior and unplanned pregnancy

Presents information for young people on twenty-one alphabetized topics related to sex, including sex in the media, sex and the law, sexual arousal, sexually transmitted diseases, contraceptives, and the cost of pregnancy and childbirth, and includes statistics, teenagers' personal stories, and question-and-answer sections.

Sex ed

A guide to growing up, relationships, and sex, discussing such topics as male and female anatomy, petting, intercourse, different kinds of sexual activities, contraception, and safe sex.

It's perfectly normal

a book about changing bodies, growing up, sex and sexual health
Offers sex instruction for children while offering reassurance that their body changes and emotions are normal as they grow up. Discusses what having healthy sex is like and how it may often result in creating a baby. Employs cartoons which are both humorous and scientifically correct.
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