

Rachel Carson

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Rachel Carson.

Force of nature

a novel of Rachel Carson
Through the eyes of her family and friends we see the young Rachel as she explores nature and overcomes obstacles to write about harmful chemical practices and launch the global environmental movement.
Cover image of Force of nature

Rachel Carson

In graphic novel format looks at the life of American biologist, Rachel Carson.

Rachel Carson

Describes Rachel Carson, a 20th century marine biologist and science writer, whose work on the harmful effects of the insecticide DDT helped to raise awareness about humanity's impact on the natural world and the often-unintended consequences of scientific progress.

Rachel Carson

""The twentieth century was the only century in history when a single species, humans, had acquired significant power to change the nature of the whole world." This fascinating biography details the life and achievements of Rachel Carson, a scientist who made significant contributions to the field of biology. Carson's famous book called Silent Spring changed the world's understanding of the impact of human activities on the environment, helping to launch the modern environmental movement"--.

Night walk to the sea

a story about Rachel Carson, Earth's protector
"One night after a storm, environmental activist Rachel Carson takes her nephew Roger out for a walk by the sea. Includes notes about Rachel Carson, the story, and bioluminescence"--OCLC.

Rachel Carson

Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to Rachel Carson.

Night walk to the sea

a story about Rachel Carson, Earth's protector
"One night after a storm, environmental activist Rachel Carson takes her nephew Roger out for a walk by the sea. Includes notes about Rachel Carson, the story, and bioluminescence"--OCLC.


the story of Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

caring for the earth
A biography of the biologist, focusing on her childhood in Pennsylvania, her growing interest as an adult in environmental concerns, and the importance of her book "Silent Spring" in exposing the environmental harm done by pesticides.


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