a biography of the most controversial family in science
Brian, Denis
Traces the history of the Curie family, revealing the scandals, drama, controversy, and tragedy that surrounding the world's most gifted scientific family.
Introduces children to the life and accomplishments of scientist Marie Curie, highlighting her childhood, schooling, and contributions to the field of chemistry.
Biography of Marie Curie, the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize and one of the discovers of radium and polonium. The author sheds light on the tragic losses and patriotic passion that infused her early years in Poland, as well as, the intimacy and joy of her marriage to Pierre Curie and the depth of her despair at his premature death.
Examines the participation of women in medical and scientific discoveries and in the growth of health care in France, Great Britain, and the United States through the lives of Marie Curie, Cicely Saunders, and Clara Barton.
A brief biography of Polish-French physicist and chemist Marie Curie, who was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and won a Noble prize in both physics and in chemistry.