1485-1603, tudors

Geographic Name
1485-1603, tudors

William Shakespeare's Henry VIII

Retells, in comic book format, Shakespeare's play about the life of the sixteenth-century English monarch.

The plot to kill a queen

a royal spy story in three acts, also including the Princess saves the cakes, a one act play to perform with a company of friends
In 1582 thirteen-year-old Emilia Bassano is a lute player and aspiring playwright who stumbles on a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth, and is recruited by Sir Francis Walsingham to go to the castle where Mary Queen of Scots is being held and discover who is responsible for the plot.
Cover image of The plot to kill a queen

The real Anne Boleyn

Text and illustrations introduce young readers to the life of Anne Boleyn, Queen consort of Henry VIII, King of England.

Elizabeth, captive princess

two sisters, one throne
Sibling rivalry continues between the daughters of King Henry VIII, Mary who holds the throne and Elizabeth who holds the people's hearts.

Young Bess

the girl who would be queen
A fictionalized account of the life of young Elizabeth Tudor, who is taken in by King Henry VII's last wife, Katherine Parr, after the king's death, and finds herself pursued by Katherine's new husband, Tom Seymour, who believes courting the king's daughter will give him greater power.

Un assassin ? la cour

Thirteen-year-old Lady Grace Cavendish, favorite maid of honor of Elizabeth I, must solve a murder mystery and clear the name of her betrothed.

The Queen's agent

Sir Francis Walsingham and the rise of espionage in Elizabethan England
Chronicles the life and career of Sir Francis Walsingham, who was intrumental in setting up a network of spies throughout England during the reign of Elizabeth I.

Elizabethan England

Provides an overview of Elizabethan England, looking at the conditions that led to the Elizabethan Era, the lives of the rich and poor, the Elizabethan Renaissance, and other related topics.

The executioner's daughter

Living with her father in the Tower of London during the reign of Henry VIII, Moss is disgusted and revolted by both her father's job (executioner) and hers (collecting the freshly severed heads) and wants desperately to escape and find out more about her origins.

Henry VIII and his six wives

a guide to historic Tudor sites
A guide to the homes, chapels, and palaces that were visited or used by King Henry VIII of England, including a short description of each site, a brief account of any events, directions to the sites and more.


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