
Topical Term

Caution: turtles and frogs ahead!

Reptiles and amphibians need special help crossing roads. This book focuses on different approaches, from tiny turtle tunnels under railroad tracks in Japan, to salamander tunnels and turtle crossing guards in the U.S., to toad tunnels in the UK, and bucket brigades for frogs and toads in France.
Cover image of Caution: turtles and frogs ahead!

Chinese giant salamander

huge amphibian
What is the biggest amphibian in the entire world? The giant salamander! This endangered water monster is a master at camouflaging into its wet home. Lurking in underwater crevasses and beneath rocks, the giant salamanders are so tough to spot, even scientists have a hard time studying them! Young readers will love learning more about this massive creature. With brilliant photographs paired with approachable text, even the most reluctant readers will love discovering the mysterious lives of Chinese giant salamanders!.
Cover image of Chinese giant salamander


"A small salamander swims in muddy lake water. But this little creature still has its webbed feet and feathery gills. Axolotls spend their whole lives in watery homes. What else do you know about these awesome animals? Learn all about Axolotls!"--.
Cover image of Axolotl

Frog or toad?

"In Frog or Toad?, beginning readers will learn to spot the differences between these hopping amphibians. Carefully leveled text relays what the animals look like and how they behave. Each page then asks readers to name which animal is shown in the photo. Answers appear upside down on the bottom of each page, making reading for learning interactive and fun. A See and Compare spread shows and labels each animal side by side, while a Quick Facts feature lists even more information about their similarities and differences. Children can learn more about frogs and toads online using our safe search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. Frog or Toad? also features reading tips for teachers and parents, photo labels, a picture glossary, a table of contents, and an index. Frog or Toad? is part of Jump!'s Spot the Differences series"--.
Cover image of Frog or toad?

Lizard or salamander?

"Beginning readers will learn to spot the differences between these reptiles and amphibians. Carefully leveled text relays what the animals look like and how they behave. Each page then asks readers to name which one is shown in the photo. Answers appear upside down on the bottom of each page, making reading for learning interactive and fun. A See and Compare spread shows and labels each animal side by side, while a Quick Facts feature lists even more information about their similarities and differences"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Lizard or salamander?

Little creatures

an introduction to classical music
[Text and illustrations look at] how spiders, wasps, butterflies, frogs and snakes, have inspired ... composers"--Back cover.
Cover image of Little creatures

Nobody likes frogs

a book of toadally fun facts
"In this . . . book the text cleverly puts the reader in the role of the 'expert' to educate a . . . turtle about the amazing amphibian known as the frog. With the reader's help, Persnickety Q. Turtle learns intriguing frog facts, such as they can breathe through their skin while underwater and their eyes help them swallow"--Provided by publisher.


Did you know that axolotls are Mexican salamanders? They are also called "Mexican walking fish." Discover these and other interesting facts in Axolotl, part of the EYEDISCOVER collection of AV2 book.

Poison dart frog

Did you know that there are about 200 different species of poison dart frogs? The smallest ones can easily fit on a human thumbnail, while the bodies of many medium to large species are about the size of a large grape. Find out more about poison dart frogs in this book.

Just discovered amphibians

"Have you ever seen a glass frog or a pumpkin toadlet? Now you can! . . . This book explores five new species of amphibians. Get ready to learn all about how, when, and where these animals were discovered"--Provided by publisher.


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