
Geographic Name

Who is Carrie?

A young African-American girl living in New York City in the late eighteenth century observes the historic events taking place around her, and at the same time solves the mystery of her own identity.

George Washington

Although more than 200 years have passed since the death of the first U.S. president, the name George Washington still invokes deep patriotism and pride in the country he helped found. Readers trace the life of the man known as the Father of the this Country, from his childhood to his military successes through his tenure as president.

The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

the law of the land
Examines the events leading up to the creation of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights. Includes a timeline, a glossary, a website for further information, and photographs.

Founding mothers

remembering the ladies
Briefly examines the lives and contributions of the "Founding Mothers" of the United States--such as Abigail Adams, Deborah Read Franklin, Esther DeBerdt Reed, and Martha Washington.

A birthday cake for George Washington

It is President Washington's birthday, and Hercules, Washington's slave and head chef, is planning to bake a special cake, provided he and his daughter can find a substitute for sugar.

The Barbary wars

American independence in the Atlantic world
Includes information on the Algerine War (1815), Algiers Treaty (1795), Continental Congress, U.S. Congress, Stephen Decatur, Democratic-Republicans, William Eaton, Federalists, France, Benjamin Franklin, free trade, Great Britain, U.S. House of Representatives, Ali Hassan (dey of Algiers), Islam, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Yusuf Karamanli (bashaw of Tripoli), Koran, Tobias Lear, James Madison, mercantilism, Morocco Treaty, Navigation Acts, U.S. Navy, Netherlands, Richard O'Brien, Treaty of Paris, pirates, piracy, Portugal, Edward Preble, Sallee Rovers, U.S. Senate, slaves, slavery, Spain, Sweden, Tripoli, Tripoli Treaty, Tunis, war on terrorism, War of 1812, George Washington, etc.

The bold and magnificent dream

America's founding years, 1492-1815

The return of George Washington

Explores George Washington's life following the American Revolution, discusses his role in the development of America as a nation, and charts his path to becoming the first President of the United States.

Jefferson's vendetta

the pursuit of Aaron Burr and the judiciary
Presents a comprehensive examination of Thomas Jefferson's contentious relationship with Aaron Burr, and describes Burr's controversial loss to Jefferson in 1801, his duel with Alexander Hamilton, and sensational trial for treason in his dealings with Spain.

Ladies of liberty

the women who shaped our nation
Contains biographical portraits of influential women in the period between the inauguration of John Adams and the end of James Monroe's presidency, based largely on their personal correspondence, private journals, and other primary sources, including Abigail Adams, Martha Jefferson, Dolley Madison, Theodosia Burr, Sacajawea, and others.


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