Barton, Byron

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The little red hen

The little red hen finds that while none of her lazy friends willing to help her plant, harvest, or grind wheat into flour, all of them are eager to eat the bread she makes from it.


Brief text and illustrations present a variety of airplanes and what they do. On board pages.

Jack and Fred

A rabbit named Jack finally convinces his parents that he needs a dog for a pet.


It's Halloween and Hester is dressed too early for her party. So she looks for an unusual place to spook.

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs

In prehistoric days there were many different kinds of dinosaurs, big and small, those with spikes and those with long sharp teeth.

Where's Al?

Describes the individual adventures of a boy and his pet dog from the time they are separated in the busy city until they find each other again.

The three bears

While three bears are away from home, Goldilocks ventures inside their house, tastes their porridge, tries their chairs, and finally falls asleep in Baby Bear's bed.

The little red hen

The little red hen finds none of her lazy friends willing to help her plant, harvest, or grind wheat into flour, but all are eager to eat the bread she makes from it.

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs

In prehistoric days there were many different kinds of dinosaurs, big and small, those with spikes and those with long, sharp teeth.


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