Extreme sports no limits!

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Extreme surfing

Presents a look at surfing, an individual sport in which athletes ride ocean waves while balancing on a surfboard, discussing the culture and history of surfing, boards, wave action, techniques, and competitions, and introducing some of the stars of the sport.
Cover image of Extreme surfing

Extreme BMX

Introduces the history, fundamentals, lingo, styles, and legends of BMX biking.
Cover image of Extreme BMX

Extreme climbing

Presents an introduction to the extreme sport of rock climbing, examining the history of rock climbing; looking at climbing gear; discussing safety, rock surfaces, climbing techniques, and competitions; introducing some of the stars of the sport; and including a glossary.

Extreme surfing

Presents a look at surfing, an individual sport in which athletes ride ocean waves while balancing on a surfboard, discussing the culture and history of surfing, boards, wave action, techniques, and competitions, and introducing some of the stars of the sport.

Extreme in-line skating

Presents a look at aggressive in-line skating, a sport in which participants perform daring tricks on in-line skates, discussing the history of in-line skating, the culture of aggressive in-line, skates, skate parks, competitions, and stunts, and introducing some of the stars of the sport.

Extreme sports

Describes several kinds of extreme sports on wheels, skates, snow, and water, and discusses the history of the field, safety, and how to get started in one of these sports.

Extreme in-line skating

Presents a look at aggressive in-line skating, a sport in which participants perform daring tricks on in-line skates, discussing the history of in-line skating, the culture of aggressive in-line, skates, skate parks, competitions, and stunts, and introducing some of the stars of the sport.

Extreme surfing

Presents a look at surfing, an individual sport in which athletes ride ocean waves while balancing on a surfboard, discussing the culture and history of surfing, boards, wave action, techniques, and competitions, and introducing some of the stars of the sport.

Extreme mountain biking

Describes extreme mountain biking equipment and moves, the sport's history, and some of its major competitions and figures.

Extreme wakeboarding

An introduction to wakeboarding, looking at equipment and moves, reviewing the history of the sport, and looking at some of the major wakeboard competitions and stars.


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