star wars fiction

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star wars fiction

Star Wars

double or nothing
"Before his days in the rebellion, before he ran Cloud City, even before he lost the millennium Falcon, comes this tale of Lando's adventures and misadvetures in search of love and money . . . Lando isn't one to stick his neck out . . . unless there are credits to be had. So when oppressed slaves in an imperial droid junkyard need his help, they'd better hope their freedom is worth something to him. But one of their number is out to turn Lando over to his enemies--and there are plenty of those. Will a galaxy of bad guys finally get their due against the ultimate thorn in their side?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Star Wars

Star Wars

"During Ben Kenobi's exile on Tatooine, he vows to keep a young Luke out of trouble, but Owen Lars refuses to let Ben be a part of Luke's life and Ben must protect the boy in secret"--Publisher's website.
Cover image of Star Wars

Star Wars

Learn your numbers with help from Star Wars friends.

Star Wars

Learn your ABC's with help from Star Wars friends.

Star wars

shattered empire
With the destruction of the Second Death Star, The Empire finds itself shattered and in chaos.
Cover image of Star wars

Star wars

the Chewbacca story
"One of the greatest heroes of the Star Wars galaxy, Chewbacca is best known for his heroic role in conflicts against the Empire and the First Order. This ... storybook features the complete story of the first mate and copilot of the Millennium Falcon"--Back cover.
Cover image of Star wars

The mighty Chewbacca in the forest of fear!

"Chewbacca the Wookie thought he was on a boring cat-sitting job--but his true mission is much more dangerous. With the help of a young bounty hunter/librarian and a cargo droid--who is actually undercover Rebel spy K-2SO--Chewie must make his way through a bizarre forest with fear-causing mist, fight off deadly creatures, recover a sacred book . . . and rescue his friend Han Solo. If anyone can do it, it's the mighty Chewbacca!"--Back cover.
Cover image of The mighty Chewbacca in the forest of fear!

Most wanted

"When a mission for Lady Proxima goes horrible wrong, Han and Qi'ra team with a Rodian scrumrat named Tsulo to escape Lady Proxima's wrath as well as the dangerous Empire"--OCLC.
Cover image of Most wanted

Star wars, Han & Chewie return!

"Han Solo and Chewbacca are about to embark on a heroic new adventure. But first this duo, with the help of two stowaways, must survive a galactic gang fight and escape a swarm of menacing monsters"--Back cover.
Cover image of Star wars, Han & Chewie return!

Star Wars

"Poe Dameron, former Republic flyer turned Resistance fighter, is the best pilot in the galaxy. Hand-picked for the resistance by General Leia Organa to lead a squadron on a top secret and vital mission... Poe sets off investigating sites of historical importance to the Force."--Back cover.
Cover image of Star Wars


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