pictorial works

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pictorial works

Prayer to the great mystery

the uncollected writings and photography of Edward S. Curtis
A collection of photographs and writings by Edward S. Curtis, who studied and wrote about North American Indian tribes from 1895 until shortly before his death in 1952.

Christmas in America

Since the settling of Jamestown, Virginia, more than 350 years ago, Christmas in America has been evolving. From Massachusetts to New Mexico, from Florida to Alasks, Americans celebrate the holiday each year with vim and vigor, and being an ingenious lot, continue to think up new variations on old themes, mingling religious convictions and folk customs into something distinctly American. Over 140 Colorful pictures and home spun text tells of America's earliest christmases, the mixing of various cultural tradition through the centuries, and christmas as it is observed today.

All colour book of flowers

100 colour photographs of spectacular flowers of the world

Pippa, the cheetah, and her cubs

Brief text and photographs trace the adaptation of a tame cheetah to life in the wild.

Birds of the world in field and garden

Brief text and color photographs describe the physical characteristics and habits of forty-two birds from all parts of the world.


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