Zion, Gene

Compare Name: 

Harry and the Lady Next Door

The sugar mouse cake

With the help of a mouse a cook's assistant bakes a cake judged the best in the kingdom and thus becomes the King's Chief Pastry Cook.

No roses for Harry

Harry the dog finds a graceful way to dispose of his new sweater with roses on it.

Harry by the sea

The sugar mouse cake

With the help of a mouse a cook's assistant bakes a cake judged the best in the kingdom and thus becomes the King's Chief Pastry Cook.


Tells the story of Harry, a white dog with black spots who runs away from home because he hates getting a bath. After many adventures and visits to dirty places, Harry returns home only to be recognized as a black dog with white spots.

Harry the dirty dog

Harry is a white dog with black spots who loves everything except baths. One day just before bathtime he runs away. He gets so dirty that he becomes a black dog with white spots.

Harry, the dirty dog

When a white dog with black spots runs away from home, he gets so dirty his family doesn't recognize him as a black dog with white spots.

Harry the dirt dog treasury

Contains Harry the Dirty Dog, No Roses for Harry, and Harry by the Sea.


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