Primary sources of famous people in American history

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Marquis de Lafayette = El Marques de Lafayette

French hero of the American Revolution = hroe francs de la Guerra de Independencia
Discusses the life and work of French soldier and political thinker, Marquis de Lafayette, and his role in the American Revolution.

Paul Revere

freedom rider = jinete de la Guerra de Independencia
Describes the life of Revolutionary hero Paul Revere, the patriot and silversmith whose midnight ride was made famous in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Presented in English and Spanish.

Nat Love

African American cowboy = vaquero afroamericano
Surveys the life of Nat Love, and African-American cowboy who became known for his riding, roping, and sharpshooting. Presented in English and Spanish.

Francisca Alvarez

the Angel of Goliad = el ?ngel de Goliad
Profiles a Mexican woman who saved more than twenty Texan rebels taken prisoner during the Texas Revolution from being shot under General Santa Anna's orders. Presented in English and Spanish.


Apache chief = jefe Apache
The life of the Apache chief who, after many betrayals by the white man, distinguished himself in savage warfare against his enemy.

Nathan Hale

hero of the American Revolution = h?roe de la Guerra de Independencia
Surveys the life of Nathan Hale, a Revolutionary War hero whose service to George Washington as a spy cost him his life. Presented in English and Spanish.

Phillis Wheatley

African American poet = poeta afroamericana
Surveys the life of Phillis Wheatley, a girl brought to America as a slave in 1761 who gained brief fame as a poet after being taught to read and write by her master. Presented in English and Spanish.

Francisca Alvarez

the Angel of Goliad
Profiles a Mexican woman who saved more than twenty Texan rebels taken prisoner during the Texas Revolution from being shot under General Santa Anna's orders.

Sojourner Truth

equal rights advocate
Surveys the life of Sojourner Truth, who escaped from slavery and became famous as an advocate of equal rights for women and blacks.

Benjamin Franklin

early American genius
A biography of one of the most famous inventors, printers, and statesmen in American history.


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