Levine, Michael

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The address book

how to reach anyone who is anyone
Direct access to over 4,000 celebrities, corporate execs, and other VIPS.

The kids' address book 1995

The kids' address book 1995

Deep Cover

the inside story of how DEA infighting, incompetence, and subterfuge lost us the battle of the drug war

The kid's address book

over 2,000 addresses of celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and more-- just for kids!
Provides the addresses of movie stars, athletes, clubs, organizations, publications, musicians, and kid-related businesses and products.

The address book

how to reach anyone who is anyone
Lists addresses of over 3,500 celebrities, corporate execs, and other VIPs.

The address book

how to reach anyone who is anyone
Provides addresses for over four thousand celebrities, politicians, and other powerful and influential people; arranged alphabetically by last name; and, in some instances includes birth date and/or e-mail address.

The kid's address book

over 3,000 addresses of celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and more-- just for kids!
Provides the addresses of movie stars, athletes, clubs, organizations, publications, musicians, and kid-related businesses and products.
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