

Mother Jones and her army of Mill Children

Tells the story of Mary "Mother" Jones and the 100 children who marched from Philadelphia to New York in a protest against child labor.

Mother Jones and her army of Mill Children

Mother Jones is MAD, and she wants you to be MAD TOO, and stand up for what's right! Told in first-person, New York Times bestelling author Jonah Winter, and acclaimed illustrator Nancy Carpenter, share the incredible story of Mother Jones, an Irish immigrant who was essential in the fight to create child labor laws. Well into her sixties, Mother Jones had finally had enough of children working long hours in dangerous factory jobs, and decided she was going to do something about it. The powerful protests she organized earned her the name the most dangerous woman in America.? And in the Children's Crusade of 1903, she led one hundred boys and girls on a glorious march from Philadelphia right to the front door of President Theodore Roosevelt's Long Island home.

Mother Jones

labor leader
An account of the life of Mary "Mother" Jones, a leading labor union and child labor activist in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Presented in graphic format.
Cover image of Mother Jones

On our way to Oyster Bay

Mother Jones and the march for children's rights

The devil is here in these hills

West Virginia's coal miners and their battle for freedom
Chronicles the contentious, protracted, and deadly labor struggle between powerful corporations and 50,000 mine workers, their families, and advocates such as Mother Jones for unionization and civil rights in West Virginia during the early 1900s.

The story of Mother Jones

A biography of the labor leader who grew up in Ireland, emigrated to the United States, lost her family to yellow fever, and helped the mistreated working class, from coal miners to child mill workers, achieve better working conditions in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Mother Jones

one woman's fight for labor
Explores the life and career of Mary Harris Jones as an effective union organizer and speaker during the early 1900s.

We have marched together

the working children's crusade
Examines the problem of child labor during the early twentieth century, focusing on a protest march from Philadelphia to New York City in 1903 by a group of child textile workers led by Mother Jones.

Mother Jones

the most dangerous woman in America
Chronicles the life of Mary "Mother" Jones, the elderly Irish widow who became famous for her power and grit as she fought for the rights of American workers and children in the early twentieth century.

Mother Jones and the march of the mill children

A biography of the woman who fought for the rights of miners, railroad workers, and mill and factory workers illustrated with photographs and drawings. She was most famous for leading a twenty-day protest march walking 125 miles to see the president of the United States to protest against child labor.


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