Shaw, Maura D

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Black Elk

Native American man of spirit
Chronicles the life of Black Elk of the Oglala Lakota Sioux from his birth around 1860, his participation at the Battle of Little Bighorn at the age of thirteen, his experiences with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and his life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

Foods from mother earth

a basic cookbook for young vegetarians (and anybody else)


India's great soul
A biography of Mahatma Gandhi which emphasizes the spiritual beliefs that guided his actions in the nonviolent battle to secure India's independence from Great Britain. Includes activities and a note for parents and teachers.

Mastering online research

a comprehensive guide to effective and efficient search strategies
A comprehensive guide to Internet research that covers URLs, keeping track of sources, search engines, basic and advanced queries, evaluating Web sites, hyperlinks, suggested resources, accessing special search areas, permission and copyright issues, and other related topics.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhism in action
A biography of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh which emphasizes the spiritual beliefs that guided him in trying to prevent war in Vietnam and in striving to make the world a better place. Includes activities and a note for parents and teachers.

Ten amazing people

and how they changed the world
Introduces the lives and work of ten influential religious leaders from around the world.

Owl's journey

four centuries of an American county
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