Taylor, Richard L.

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Understanding flying

Explains the principles of flight and provides instruction in the actual mechanics of flying an airplane.

The first solo flight around the world

the story of Wiley Post and his airplane, the Winnie Mae
Text and photographs cover the life of American pilot Wiley Post and his record-setting solo flight around the world in 1933.

The first flight across the United States

the story of Calbraith Perry Rodgers and his airplane, the Vin Fiz
Text and photographs present a biography of the pioneering aviator, trained by the Wright brothers, who completed the first flight across the United States in 1911.

The first transcontinental air service

the story of the Tin Goose and the iron horse
Describes the history and development of the Transcontinental Air Transport company.

The first human-powered flight

the story of Paul B. MacCready and his airplane, the Gossamer Condor
The story of how the first human powered airplane was invented and how it was flown.

The first flight

the story of the Wright brothers
Describes how the Wright brothers developed the first airplane and places their achievement in the context of the aeronautic technology of the time.

The first solo transatlantic flight

the story of Charles Lindbergh and his airplane, the Spirit of St. Louis
A biography of air pilot Charles Lindbergh, focusing on his recordsetting transatlantic flight.

The first supersonic flight

Captain Charles E. Yeager breaks the sound barrier
Tells the history of supersonic planes and of Chuck Yeager as the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound.

The first unrefueled flight around the world

the story of Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager and their airplane, Voyager
Describes how, in 1986, an airplane was flown nonstop around the world without taking on fuel in flight.
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