Smith, Doris Buchanan

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Moonshadow of Cherry Mountain

A mountain family with adopted children and a dog must learn to deal with their new neighbors who bring some "modern" changes to their mountain home.

Laura upside-down

a novel
Ten-year-old Laura must deal with her unease about her lack of religious upbringing, when her best friends are Jewish and Christian, and with her feelings for a mysterious neighbor who seems to be a witch.

Un sabor a moras

A young boy recounts his efforts to adjust to the accidental death of his best friend.

Kick a stone home

A shy fifteen-year-old girl, more at ease on the sports field than anywhere else, tries to cope with new feelings and a gradual understanding of herself, her divorced parents, and other people around her.

Tough Chauncey

Abused by his grandfather and neglected by his mother, a "tough" thirteen-year-old sees running away as the only solution to changing his life until a friend opens his eyes to an alternative.

A Taste of blackberries

A taste of blackberries

A young boy recounts his efforts to adjust to the accidental death of his best friend.

Kelly's Creek

A nine-year-old boy's struggle to cope with a special physical problem is relieved by daily visits to a marsh and learning about its marine life.

Kelly's creek

An eight-year-old boy's struggle to cope with a special physical problem is relieved by daily visits to a marsh and learning about its marine life.


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