civil rights

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civil rights

Great American court cases

Profiles a variety of cases related to the broad range of civil rights related issues, from affirmative action, segregation, and voting rights to the special concerns of immigrants, juveniles, the disabled, and gay and lesbian citizens.
Cover image of Great American court cases

Great American court cases

Profiles legal cases that have helped establish the rights of the accused before, during, and after trial, or address criminal law and procedure.
Cover image of Great American court cases

Great American court cases

Profiles judicial proceedings that have influenced such First and Second Amendment issues as freedom of the press, privacy, the right to bear arms, and the legal concerns of the Internet.
Cover image of Great American court cases

Civil liberties

Contains essays that provide opposing viewpoints on issues related to civil liberties, discussing freedom of expression, the separation of church and state, technology and privacy, and the war on terrorism.
Cover image of Civil liberties

Understanding the Bill of Rights

An introduction to the Bill of Rights that discusses taxes, the Constitution, the First Amendment, fair trial, limitations of power, and other related topics, and includes a time line, web sites, and suggestions for further reading.
Cover image of Understanding the Bill of Rights

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act

Explores the events leading up to and surrounding President Lyndon B. Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Cover image of Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act

American civil rights

Presents an overview of the history and contemporary status of the civil rights of various racial, ethnic, and nonethnic groups in the U.S., discussing discrimination, legislation, social movements, and significant people and events; and includes a timeline, glossary, and research and activity ideas.
Cover image of American civil rights

What's the Bill of Rights?

Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the Bill of Rights, discussing the history of the Constitution, when it was added, who wrote it, other amendments, and why it is important.

No justice

one white police officer, one black family, and how one bullet ripped us apart
" Robbie Tolan, who early on one New Year's Eve morning, foundhimself being rushed to the hospital. A white police officerhad shot him in the chest after mistakenly accusing him of stealing his own car...while in his own driveway. In a journey that took nearly a decade, Tolan and his family saw his case go before the United States Supreme Court in a groundbreaking decision, while Tolan struggled with how to put his life back together. Holding him together through this journey was the strength of his mother and father, his faith in God, and an impenetrable belief that he deserved justice like any other American who'd been wronged."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of No justice

Everything you need about protests and public assembly

A book offering guidance regarding the right to and practice of protest and public assembly.
Cover image of Everything you need about protests and public assembly


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