mural painting and decoration, american

Topical Term
mural painting and decoration, american

Roy Lichtenstein

mural with blue brushstroke
Photographs and text explain Roy Lichtenstein's creation of a five-storyhigh mural for The Equitable Life Assurance Society building.
Cover image of Roy Lichtenstein

Wall-to-wall America

post office murals in the Great Depression
A study of murals that were painted in U.S. post offices and courthouses during the 1930s, focusing on murals commissioned by the Section of Fine Arts, discussing the themes and styles of the paintings, how they were received by the public, and what they say about the culture of Depression-era America.

Art for the people

the rediscovery and preservation of progressive- and WPA-era murals in the Chicago public schools, 1904-1943

Street art San Francisco

Mission muralismo
Chronicles over thirty years of social and political street art in San Francisco's Mission District, including nearly five hundred photographs.

Wall art

megamurals & supergraphics

Graffiti New York

Presents a history on the graffiti culture of New York City. Includes 1000 images with commentary from graffiti writers as well as descriptive graphics and side-bars.


walls that sing
Presents a photo essay about murals, a form of art the photographer, George Ancona, regards as authentically for the people or "para el pueblo.".
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