Morris, Neil

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Living and growing

Photographs and simple text teach young children what a life cycle is, how their bodies help them grow, and why some animals are bigger than others.


Provides information about water, looking at its different forms, where it comes from, how it is used, and water power. Includes activities.

I'm big

a fun book of opposites
A group of children learn about opposites by comparing themselves to a variety of animals.


This book portrays the life of pirates describing their attacks, weapons, ships, and punishments.

Lost cities

This book describes ruins that are remnants of ancient settlements, presenting information on the city of Ur, Mohenjo Daro, the city of Knossos, Pompeii, the city of Angkor and the temple of Angkor Wat, Teotihuacan, the city of Great Zimbabwe, the Mayan capital of Tikal, and Machu Picchu.

The illustrated history of the world

from the big bang to the third millennium
Chronicles world history with brief text on thousands of events, figures, and aspects of daily life, surrounded by maps, time lines, and more than two thousand color illustrations, and includes special sections on eighteen topics including Romanticism and the Enlightenment.

Geothermal power

An exploration of geothermal power that describes how it is harnessed and discusses its advantages and disadvantages as well as its potential for being used as a primary source of energy.

Wind power

An exploration of wind power that describes how turbines harness it to make electricity and discusses its advantages and disadvantages as well as its potential for being used as a primary source of energy.

Linda's late

a fun book of time
Follows, hour by hour, Linda's activities from the time she gets up at seven o'clock in the morning to the time she goes to bed at seven o'clock in the evening.

The student's activity atlas

Maps, activities, and text introduce regions and countries of the world and provide the opportunity to practice the reading of maps and the interpretation of atlas symbols.


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