eisenhower, dwight d

eisenhower, dwight d

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A biography of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Describes his youth, his rise in the military to command the allied forces in Europe during World War II, and his two terms as president.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

the 34th President
Which president planned one of the largest military attacks in history? Dwight D. Eisenhower! He helped the United States win World War II. Then, as president, Eisenhower built highways all across the country.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A biography of general and United States president Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

our thirty-fourth president
Explores the life and times of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the thirty-fourth president of the United States. Includes a time line, a glossary of terms, information on the United States government, and details about the U.S. presidency.

The other space race

Eisenhower and the quest for aerospace security
Explores the history of the earlier, secret "space race" conducted by the U.S. Air Force under the auspices of President Eisenhower between 1954 and 1961, the goal of which was to establish either a network of unarmed satellites to give advanced warning of Soviet movements, or else hypersonic armed vehicles that could achieve low orbit for attacks. Explores the history of these endeavors and why neither was ultimately implemented before the wider known space race in the later 1960s.

North Africa and Europe (1940-1945)

This book looks at life as war wages in North Africa and Europe from the multiple perspectives of soldiers, generals, nurses, politicians and civilians. If is a balanced and chronological examination of all sides and a look at a time and a culture through its fights, its art, its citizens and those not on the front lines.

Crusade in Europe

Tells the story of World War II as planned and lived by Five-star General Dwight D. Eisenhower.


a life
"A biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower explores how his legacy endures, with a focus on Eisenhower's years as a five-star general and his time as the thirty-fourth President of the United States"--OCLC.

Ike's spies

Eisenhower and the espionage establishment
An account of the transformation of the wartime Office of Strategic Services into the Central Intelligence Agency and the growth of America's intelligence community.

The perfect failure

Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs


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