military weapons

Topical Term
military weapons

World War I

Provides an overview of the World War I, military battles, American involvement, heroism, war weapons, military uniforms and its effects on American mainland during that period.


On June 6, 1944, Allied forces led by the United States and England landed in German-occupied France. Years in the planning, more than 160,000 soldiers landed in Normandy. The fates of these forces, the key figures of leadership, and the adversity and triumphs of World War II is recounted in this fascinating volume.

The attack on Pearl Harbor

Without the Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the United States might never have entered World War II. The motivations for Japan to attack the United States and the repercussions of the event, including the internment of Japanese-Americans, are thoroughly discussed in this valuable book.

Top secret science

projects you aren't supposed to know about
"Describes various top-secret projects, including the Manhattan Project, Nazi experimentation, and several others"--.

U.S. Navy

An introduction to what the US Navy is, what recruits do, and jobs soldiers could learn. Includes descriptions of missions to save a fishing crew from pirates and to keep the oil shipping lane open.

World War II

Covering the era from 1941 to 1945, examines the events, both on the homefront and overseas, surrounding the American involvement in World War II including American heroism and weaponry.

An illustrated history of the weapons of World War One

a comprehensive chronological directory of the military weapons used in World War One, from field artillery and machine-guns to rise of U-boats and Allied submarines
An illustrated history of the weapons of World War I, covering army, air force and navy weaponry.

Weapons of the Navy SEALs

Examines the development of military technology in relation to the Navy SEALs from World War Two to the Iraqi War and discusses the weapons and ammunition used in combat operations around the world.

Ancient and medieval siege weapons

a fully illustrated guide to siege weapons and tactics
An illustrated guide to the development of all types of weapons used in ancient and medieval times that explains how each type of weapon was constructed, used, and adapted to meet the needs of warriors.


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