A biography of Nelson Mandela's life, from his idyllic childhood through his years of imprisonment to his triumphant election as president of South Africa.
Presents a biography of Ho-Chih Minh, the Vietnamese communist leader who led his people in the struggle for independence from France and in the later war with South Vietnam.
Explores the life of Fidel Castro, examining perceptions of his role as either a dictator or a liberator, focusing on how he is seen by Latin Americans over his fifty years of leadership, and covers the pressure he has received from the United States and the Soviet Union and his influence on other insurgencies and uprisings around the world.
Provides an introduction to government leaders, the work they do, and the tools they use, and features photographs and information about how government has changed over the years.
the resistance, the underground and assassination plots, 1938-1945
Thomsett, Michael C
Recounts the history of the hidden resistance in Germany during World War II, and the people behind them, from political opponents and soldiers to ordinary citizens.