Shaughnessy, Diane

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Sitting Bull

courageous Sioux chief
A biography of the Sioux chief who, although he led his people into the Battle of Little Big Horn, was also a man of mercy, wisdom, and peace.


inventor of the Cherokee written language
Biography of a Cherokee Indian who created a written form of the Cherokee language.

Let's talk about good manners

A simple discussion of what good manners are, why good manners are important, and how manners are different in different cultures.

Let's talk about racism

Discusses the nature of racism, possible explanations for it, and ways to end it.

Let's talk about needing glasses

Discusses some reasons why people need to wear glasses, the steps in getting glasses, the teasing one sometimes receives with a change in looks, and the possibility that glasses occasionally break.


Shoshone trailblazer
A biography of the Shoshoni Indian girl who served as interpreter, peacemaker, and guide for the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Northwest in 1805-1806.

Chief Joseph

Nez Perce peacekeeper
A biography of the great Nez Perc? chief who, struggling desperately to keep his tribe safe and free, led them on a flight to Canada.

Chief Ouray

Ute peacemaker
A biography of the Ute Indians' great peacemaker whose tribe retained their land and freedom until his death in 1880.

Pocahontas, Powhatan princess

Relates the life story and accomplishments of the princess of the Powhatan Indian Nation who married the English settler John Rolfe.
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