Green-collar careers

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Building green places

careers in planning, designing, and building
An exploration of careers in sustainable architecture that discusses planning, designing, and building homes, businesses, and communities.
Cover image of Building green places

Green ways of getting around

careers in transportation
Examines environmentally friendly careers in transportation, describing the roles and responsibilities of people who work to create more fuel efficient and environmentally sound modes of mass transit and transportation.
Cover image of Green ways of getting around

Building green places

careers in planning, designing, and building

Building green places

careers in planning, designing, and building
An exploration of careers in sustainable architecture that discusses planning, designing, and building homes, businesses, and communities.

Touring, trekking, and traveling green

careers in ecotourism
Examines careers in the field of ecotourism, describing the roles and responsibilities of travel agents, people who write guidebooks and marketing materials, managers of ecolodges, and others.

Green ways of getting around

careers in transportation
Examines environmentally friendly careers in transportation, describing the roles and responsibilities of people who work to create more fuel efficient and environmentally sound modes of mass transit and transportation.

Legally green

careers in environmental law
Examines careers in environmental law, describing the roles and responsibilities of lawyers in firms who specialize in environmental law, environmental investigators, officers, policy advisors, and others.

Learning green

careers in education
Introduces readers to a wide range of careers in education associated with conservation and keeping the environment green.

Managing green spaces

careers in wilderness and wildlife management
Introduces readers to a wide range of careers in education associated with wilderness and wildlife management.

Growing and eating green

careers in farming, producing, and marketing food
Introduces readers to a wide range of careers in education associated with conventional methods of food production and alternate energy sources.


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