Truesdell, Ann

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Make your point

creating powerful presentations
Presents the tools needed to find, organize, and share information in an oral presentation, from understanding the assignment and researching the topic, to deciding how to convey the information and what visual aids to use.

How to handle cyberbullies

Discusses cyberbullying, why kids do it, and how to prevent it.

Super Smart Information Strategies

ormation Strategies: Find the Right Site
A discussion of Web site evaluation, explaining how students can determine whether the information they are finding on a Web site is accurate and if it is going to be right for their research needs. Includes exercises, checklists, and illustrations.

Wonderful wikis

Discusses wikis and how to work with them.

Find the facts with encyclopedias

This title was developed to educate young readers on how to use both print and electronic encyclopedias.

Find new words with dictionaries

A guide to using a dictionary, including print and online dictionaries, and how to read a dictionary entry.

Fire away

asking great interview questions
Provides guidelines on how to gather information during an interview, discusses what questions to ask, how to prepare for an interview and how to put it all together.

Find the right site

A discussion of Web site evaluation, explaining how students can determine whether the information they are finding on a Web site is accurate and if it is going to be right for their research needs. Includes exercises, checklists, and illustrations.

Get to the right site

Explains how to do research online, including how to use search engines, and how to choose the right websites to find information.


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