Red reader. Levels 1-2

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Dig, plant, feast!

A group of students plants a vegetable garden, watches it grow, and have a feast. Includes a vocabulary list, tips for reading with children, and related activities.

Vote for me!

A classroom of animals prepares for its school election.

Hoot's on first?

A baseball game between the Forest Animals and the Swamp Animals is played for the Little League Championship. Includes a vocabulary list, tips for reading with children, and related activities.

Puppy trouble

Jake and Julie learn about responsibility when they get a puppy. Includes a vocabulary list, tips for reading with children, and related activities.

Dig, plant, feast!

A group of students plants a vegetable garden, watches it grow, and have a feast. Includes a vocabulary list, tips for reading with children, and related activities.

But I want it!

Little Worm learns a lesson about what he needs versus what he wants. Includes a vocabulary list, tips for reading with children, and related activities.

Vote for me!

A classroom of animals prepares for its school election.
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