Ten-year-old Trevor Sage-el describes his life at home and at school, his feelings about being son of a white mother and a black father, and what he likes and does not like about being biracial.
The biracial daughter of an African-American father and a Japanese mother fondly recalls growing up with her mother and her father's mother, two very different but equally loving women.
A collection of essays and primary and secondary sources that examine the issues and controversy surrounding interracial relationships in the United States.
Read a diverse collection of personal narratives explaining what it is like to deal with specific social issues. Provides information to broaden and balance readers exposure to current issues.
A girl explains how her parents are different in color, tastes in art and food, and pet preferences, and how she herself is different too--but just right.
When her parents get a divorce, seven-year-old Ginger lives for a while with each set of grandparents and begins to understand her mixed background and her new family situation.