Tells the life story of baseball star Barry Bonds, describing his Little League years, his family life, and highlights in his career with the San Francisco Giants. Includes statistics.
Presents a short biography of legendary NASCAR champion Dale Earnhardt, Jr., and chronicles his childhood and heritage as well as his impressive racing career.
A quiet, hardworking man, Lou Gehrig was one of the most underrated baseball players of all time. Despite his repeatedly outscoring, outhitting, and outplaying his teammates Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio, his shy nature often kept him in their shadows. Follow Lou's outstanding career from the playgrounds of New York City to the fields of Yankee Stadium.
Early in her life, doctors tol Wilma Rudolph she would never walk. She had disease called polio, which crippled her leg. But Wilma proved the doctors wrong. Not only did she walk, she also ran--fast!.
Alex Rodriguez was bor in New York City, only a few miles from Yankee Stadium. He grew up in the Dominican Republic and Miami, Florida, playing baseball whenever he could. Since he was drafted in 1993, Alex has played for the Seattle Mariners, the Texas Rangers, and the New York Yankees. He has an amazing combination of offensive and defensive skills, and he is one of baseball's highest-paid players.
Profiles the life and accomplishments of professional basketball player Yao Ming, and describes his childhood, education, early career in China, and other related topics.
Presents a career biography of American figure skater Michelle Kwan, tracing her record of success from childhood through the 2003-2004 skating season.