May, Julian

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Before the Indians

Briefly describes the earliest Indian civilizations on the North American continent and traces the evolution of their culture from prehistory to the arrival of the white settlers.


The first men

Why birds migrate

Describes the influence of the Ice Age upon bird migration.

The winter Olympics

Discusses the various events composing the Winter Olympics and the history of these events.

The New York Jets

Chronicles the history of the New York Jets, the first AFL team to win the Super Bowl.

The life cycle of a snapping turtle

Chronicles briefly the life cycle and habits of the snapping turtle.

Cactus fox

Describes the desert habitat and way of life of a male kit fox.

Giant condor of California

Describes the life of a majestic scavenger on the verge of extinction.

Prairie pronghorn

Describes the life of a unique creature of the western plains, the swiftest mammal in North America.


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