Helmer, Diana Star

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The history of figure skating

Traces the history of figure skating and examines some of its notable performers.

The war between bosses and workers

Provides information about working conditions in the United States in the early 1800s through the story of Molly Castle, a twelve-year-old girl who takes a job in the home of a Chicago suffragette after the deaths of her parents.
Cover image of The war between bosses and workers

Let's talk about adoption

Explains what adoption is, why a parent might put a child up for adoption, and what is special about being adopted.

The history of baseball

Provides an introduction to some of the key events in the development of the game that has become known as America's national pastime.

The believers

Edward gets to know a tribe of Indians in Colonial America.

Let's talk about when your mom or dad is unhappy

Explains the difference between being sad and being clinically depressed and discusses ways a child can deal with having a parent who is sad or depressed.

Let's talk about feeling sad

Briefly discusses what makes people feel sad or depressed and some ways to handle these feelings.

The koala

the bear that's not a bear
Describes the physical characteristics, habits, and possible fate of the Australian marsupials that are sometimes confused with bears.

Black bears

Describes the physical characteristics, habitats, and interactions with humans of black bears.

Brown bears

Examines the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitats of the brown bear.


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