
Topical Term

Roaring for reading

When Julius, a young lion, sees library books removed from the library, realizes the power of his voice and uses his roar to advocate for the value of all books.


what is it and how does it impact society
"The debate over what should be allowed and what should be censored can confuse the public and those tasked with enforcing these policies. Banning books, legislating what can be taught in classrooms, and blocking social media posts are examples of actions occurring nationwide and causing confusion in communities. These situations have sparked an intense debate over what censorship is and how it is being used in today's society"--Provided by publisher.

Pros and cons

banned books
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into this highly debated topic and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.

Banned book

The text follows the story of a book that is first subjected to redaction, then removal from a library, and finally disposal.
Cover image of Banned book


the need for a free press
A collection of articles selected from the New York Times about issues surrounding American journalism, including freedom of the press, censorship, bias, journalists, and more.

Books under fire

a hit list of banned and challenged children's books
Spotlights dozens of titles written for young children through young teens that have been banned or challenged, including a profile of each and naming past challenges and how they were faced. Also provides discussion ideas for banned books programs and an appendix of additional resources for librarians who become caught up in a challenge.

Pros and cons

social media censorship
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into this highly debated topic and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.

What's censorship?

"Readers are given the tools to better understand what censorship is--both in the United States and in other countries--in order to develop an informed opinion about this timely topic"--Provided by publisher.

Teaching Banned Books

32 Guides for Children and Teens
"The book expands [on the first edition] . . . to include more titles and more genres (such as graphic novels and nonfiction)"--Provided by publisher.

Intellectual Freedom Manual

"This . . . resource provides day-to-day guidance on maintaining free and equal access to information for all people"--Provided by publisher.


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