Examines the number of satellites, spacecraft, and orbital debris that orbits the earth, and describes the types of debris, the speed at which it travels, collisions, and the dangers of debris possibly falling to the earth.
Presents a short study of astronomy in ancient Egypt, Babylon, China, and other parts of the ancient world, and discusses observations by Greek astronomers including Ptolemy and Copernicus, Galileo's telescope, and more.
Examines the contributions made by several nations toward the exploration of the Universe including early rocketry, satellites, moon travel, communications, and much more.
Presents a short study of the technology and science that allows scientists to examine the universe, and covers such topics as the Hubble Space Telescope, exploring the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and more.
Presents an introduction to astronomy, in simple text with illustrations, describing the different technologies that are used to explore the worlds beyond earth, including information on the Hubble Space Telescope, asteroid belts, and the discovery of a galaxy next to the Milky Way.