Holub, Joan

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Medusa the mean

Seeking to become immortal like the other Goddess Girls, Medusa searches for a magical necklace, an effort that is compromised by her mean reputation, her snaky hair, and unexpected consequences.

Athena the wise

When Zeus asks Athena to look after the new boy Heracles, she uses all of her famed wisdom to sort out her own problems and help him succeed.

Athena the brain

Athena learns that she is a goddess when she is summoned to Mount Olympus by her father, Zeus, and she must quickly adjust to her new status, make friends with the other godboys and goddessgirls, and catch up with all the studies she missed while attending mortal school.

Artemis the brave

While protecting egotistical transfer student Orion, Artemis makes a mistake that later provides her with the chance that she has both hoped for and dreaded, to prove her courage to herself and others at Mount Olympus Academy.

Aphrodite the diva

For an extra credit project, Aphrodite begins a club for matchmaking mortals, which brings her to Egypt and face-to-face with her competition, the Egyptian goddess Isis.

Aphrodite the beauty

After giving Athena a makeover Aphrodite becomes jealous of her friend, but she focuses on figuring out how to help a mortal win a race against Atalanta, which will result in either their marriage or his death.

Isabel saves the prince

based on a true story of Isabel I of Spain
Young Princess Isabel of Spain bravely steps up to protect her younger brother, Alfonso, when he is accused of treason.

Elizabeth and the royal pony

based on a true story of Elizabeth I of England
Young Elizabeth I gets valuable advice from her father the king when she tries to teach her pony to jump over a wall.

Cleopatra and the king's enemies

based on a true story of Cleopatra in Egypt
Young Cleopatra, not believing herself to be as beautiful as her sisters, decides to concentrate on her studies instead--a decision that proves valuable when her ability to understand the Egyptian language allows her to uncover a plot against her father, the king.

Spring is here!

a story about seeds
In autumn, the little friends from Ant Hill find and plant some seeds, then patiently wait until spring to enjoy the plants that appear.


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