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Desert of danger

Toa Mata Nui finds himself exiled to a strange desert world full of dangerous creatures.
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Makuta's revenge

A new challenge, an ancient evil
The Toa have truimphe dover the Bohrok hordes. Any yet...

The underwater city

After the events of The Battle of Voya Nui, the powerful Mask of Light has sunk beneath the sea where it turns up in the underwater city of Mahri Nui.

Trial by fire

The Toa, desperate to find the Disks of Power that would allow them to defeat the Morbuzakh plant that was destroying the city of Metru Nui, turn to the Matoran for help, only to discover that one of them is a traitor.

City of legends

Presents the adventures of the Toa, six heroes, each of whom controls a force of nature, as they fight to protect the people of the island of Mata Nui against the evil entity Makuta and his lackeys.

Realm of fear

Toa Mahri Matora has been forced to sacrifice himself in order to save the greatspirit Mata Nui, and the remaining Toa are in discord as a result.

Legends of Bara Magna

Recounts the great war that led to the creation of a harsh region defined by epic conflicts, shape-shifting warriors and brutal deserts.

The fall of Atero

Explores the world of Bara Magna, a harsh world in which Glatorian matches, much like the gladiatorial matches of ancient Rome, are used to decide conflicts between rival tribes or enemies, and it's a world overrun by the dangerous Skrall, who decimate everything in their path.

The battle of Voya Nui

When the ruthless Piraka arrive on the island Voya Nui and enslave its matoran inhabitants, all appears lost until six Toa wash ashore and are transformed into Toa Inika on a mission to stop the Piraka from obtaining the great power of the Mask of Life.

The secret of Certavus

The Glatorian Vastus begins to doubt his abilities as a fighter when his tricks and strength fail him while he is on a quest to locate a legendary scroll, but when he recovers the scroll he learns a valuable lesson.


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