Kompelien, Tracy

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Dwight and the magic kite

Presents a children's rhyming book about all the words that rhyme with "kite.".

We have the skills to know U.S. bills!

Introduces the math of dollar bills through the use of simple rebus sentences, a rhyming story, and everyday examples. Includes a glossary.

Duck bills

When the migration begins, Mally Mallard decides to travel by airplane instead of using her own wings to fly to her winter home. Contains facts about mallard ducks.

Las rayas de la cebra

Ziggy Zebra is confident he can walk to Grandma's house, but the things he sees along the way confuse him.

Let's sort, it's a real sport!

Introduces the math concept of sorting through the use of simple rebus sentences, a rhyming story, and everyday examples.

You can estimate, that's really great!

Introduces the math concept of estimation through the use of simple rebus sentences, a rhyming story, and everyday examples. Includes a glossary.

I see a pattern, what can I learn?

Introduces the math concept of patterns through the use of simple rebus sentences, a rhyming story, and everyday examples. Includes a glossary.

I know fractions by their actions!

Introduces the math concept of fractions through the use of simple sentences and everyday examples.

The yaks relax

Presents a children's rhyming book about all the words that rhyme with "yaks.".

I can measure weight at any rate!

Introduces the math concept of weight measurement through the use of simple sentences and everyday examples.


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