Steer, Dugald

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the sea journal of Captain William Lubber
The fictional journal of pirate hunter William Lubber chronicles his around-the-world voyage in search of the "Vicious and intemperate" female pirate Arabella Drummond in 1723. Includes a fold-out map, a packet of gold dust, a Chinese ransom note, a compass, and other manipulatives for readers.

Tikka le b?b? tigre

Tikka, the baby tiger, goes on many adventures.

Drake's comprehensive compendium of dragonology

Profiles dragon species, including information on size, physical characteristics, call, and food; and discusses dragon biology, habits, and habitats, as well as the mythological creature's relationship with humans.

The dragon diary

Apprentice dragonologists Daniel and Beatrice Cook's mentor is called away at a crucial time, leaving the brother and sister alone to search for an ancient diary that could cure some gravely ill dragons.


a noble guide for young squires
Presents information on the lives of medieval knights in the form of a guide for knights-in-training, covering such topics as heraldry, weaponry, chivalry, the joust, castles, war, and quests; and features lift-flaps throughout.

The mythology handbook

a course in ancient Greek myths
An introduction to Greek mythology that profiles beasts, gods, goddesses, and heroes; relates a number of stories; and includes illustrations, stickers, and activities.

The dragon's eye

Dr. Ernest Drake calls on his two newest students, twelve-year-old Daniel and his sister, Beatrice, to help protect the precious Dragon's Eye jewel from the evil dragonologist Ignatius Crook.


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