Follows a chestnut tree through the seasons as it sprouts from its seed, blossoms, grows, sheds leaves, and drops new chestnuts that will one day become trees too.
Provides information about flowers, covering the life cycle of a dandelion, phototropism, pollination, and drying and displaying flowers. Includes transparent overlays.
Explains various types of airplanes and other flying machines, including gliders, passenger jets, helicopters, and hot-air balloons. Features transparent acetate overlays.
Laminated pages with transparent overlays introduce over fifty different plants from around the world and give details about their growth, life cycles, and value to animals and humans.
Experience the beauty natural light provides--from a colorful rainbow to the amazing aurora borealis; learn about fluorescent plants and animals that actually glow, and see the impact electric light has had on our society. See through plastic pages change the pictures.
Colorful illustrations and many transparent pages help children learn about life underground. They will see a mole dig a tunnel, visit with a colony of ants, and watch as a kingfisher tunnels into the riverbed to lay her eggs.