Explains the science behind the events of ordinary life, looking at the fields of physics, chemistry, human biology, and biochemistry, and includes cross-references, illustrations, and photographs.
Examines the biological feasibility behind some of the creatures, behaviors, and technologies that appear in the "Star Trek" television and movie series, discussing topics such as the physical characteristics of aliens, sexual conduct, food replicators, and brain scans.
Contains over 5,600 alphabetically-arranged entries that provide definitions and in-depth explanations of biology terms, covering a wide variety of subjects including anatomy, biochemistry, ecology, and evolutionary theory.
A collection of 29 essays which present a philosophical approach to such scientific topics as symbiosis, priorities in medical research, insect behavior, the use of computers, etc.
36 strategies for turning the natural environment into your own laboratory
Brown, Vinson
Offers many suggestions for attracting and observing outdoor animals, presents suggestions for capturing and keeping insects, discusses tracking, and describes wild gardening.