Fifty-three-year-old Charles Dickens, having escaped death during a train accident, momentarily meets a ghoulish figure named Drood and sets out with his friend Wilkie Collins into the nightmarish world of the slums and catacombs of London to uncover the mystery surrounding the figure.
Presents twentieth-century critical essays on Charles Dickens's "Great Expectations" and includes a chronology, a bibliography, and an introduction by critic Harold Bloom.
Contains a collection of critical commentaries on the works of Charles Dickens; and includes an introduction by Harold Bloom, chronology of the life of Dickens, and notes on the various contributors.
Examines the life and work of nineteenth-century English author Charles Dickens, featuring a biographical profile, critical analysis of the themes, symbols, and ideas in his writing, a selection of critical essays, a chronology, and references.
Presents a biography of nineteenth-century British author Charles Dickens, and chronicles his troubled and impoverished childhood, literary career, and personal and public life.
Presents twenty-one articles on the life and career of nineteenth-century author and social critic Charles Dickens, and includes primary source documents, a chronology, and a further resource list.
Chronicles the life of Charles Dickens, focusing on how his life experiences influenced each of his major works, and analyzing his narrative techniques, his voice and themes, and his portrayal of England's lower class.
Examines the life and work of author Charles Dickens in the context of the times and social conditions in which he lived; and includes analyses of a selection of his writings, discussing plot, style, and character development.
An anthology of critical essays that provide a wide range of information and opinion about the nineteenth-century novel "A Christmas Carol," and its author, Charles Dickens.