Ripley, Catherine

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Why does popcorn pop?

and other kitchen questions
A picture book that provides the answers to questions about things that go on in the kitchen, such as why popcorn pops, why garbage smells, and why dish soap bubbles.

Why is soap so slippery?

and other bathtime questions
Questions and answers discuss scientific concepts about bathrooms, bathing, and cleanliness.

Why do cows moo?

and other farm animal questions
Contains simple scientific answers to questions children have about farm animals, such as why ducks waddle, why cows moo, and how bees make honey.

Kitchen fun

Contains recipes for treats, magic tricks, crafts, puzzles, and games.


the best ever question and answer book about nature, science and the world around you
Gives children the answers to many of the questions they ask about nature, science, and the things they see in the world.

Do the doors open by magic?

and other supermarket questions
Explores food and supermarkets through questions and answers. Explains where food is stored at the store, how automatic doors work, and what makes soda pop fizz.


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