First readers, skills and practice. Level 3

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Goodnight, Little Critter

After Little Critter helps Little Sister fall asleep, he has trouble getting back to sleep himself.
Cover image of Goodnight, Little Critter

Christmas for Miss Kitty

Little Critter's Christmas gift for his teacher, Miss Kitty, seems perfect until Blue sinks his teeth into it.

My trip to the farm

While visiting his grandparents at their farm, Little Critter helps by gathering the eggs, feeding the goats, riding a horse, and doing other fun jobs. Includes activities.

Harvest time

Little Critter and his younger sister help their grandparents pick pumpkins and apples, take down the scarecrow, and do other chores at harvest time.


When Little Critter wakes up on his birthday, he finds a series of notes leading him on a treasure hunt around the house, with a wonderful surprise at the end. Includes activities.

Our friend Sam

Little Critter and Gabby find a caterpillar in the yard, and they take care of it until it turns into a beautiful butterfly and flies away. Includes activities.

Goodnight, Little Critter

After Little Critter helps Little Sister fall asleep, he has trouble getting back to sleep himself.

Our tree house

When Little Critter's friends are too busy to join him in his new tree house, he finally asks Little Sister to play with him.
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