Describes the geological makeup of Earth and the ecosystems it supports; discusses issues that affect the land, including population growth, mining, landfills, pollution, erosion; and explains how people can help manage and preserve land.
Explores the composition of Earth's atmosphere and what we call "air," its importance to life on Earth, the damage that has been done to the air and the ozone layer, and what we can do to clean it before it's too late.
Introduces children to the benefits of choosing healthy meals at fast food restaurants, instead of the sugary, high fat foods that many order, with suggestions for healthy fast food alternatives.
Introduces children to the benefits of choosing healthy foods for their school lunches rather than sugary snacks and high fat foods, with simple ideas and recipes for delicious, nutritious lunch choices.
Introduces children to the benefits of choosing healthy drinks instead of sugary sodas and juices, with simple ideas and recipes for delicious, nutritious drinks.
Introduces children to the benefits of choosing healthy snacks instead of sugary, high fat foods such as chips and candy, with recipes for simple, nutritious snacks.