True tales

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Polar adventures

Briefly discusses some of the explorers of the North and South Poles, including Robert Peary, Ernest Shackleton, Matthew Henson, and Donald Macmillan.

Deep sea adventures

Introduces how scientists explore the oceans to seek or study such things as the giant squid, wreckage of the Titanic, a fossil Coelacanth, and the lost city of Atlantis.

Awesome science

a chapter book
Presents a study of science and discusses topics such as genetics and DNA, genes that cause obesity, and cloning.

Extreme sports

a chapter book
Examines the extreme sports of surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, and bicycle motocross, and introduces athletes who have excelled in those sports, including Duke Kahanomoku, Tony Hawk, Tara Dakides, and Mat Hoffman.

Tracking animals

a chapter book
Presents true stories of scientists who track animals, learning about the secret language of elephants, ensuring the successful return of a sea lion to the wild, studying the survival skills of insects, and learning about the movements of reptiles.

Rare animals

Introduces four endangered species--whooping cranes, elephants, monk seals, and polar bears--and describes what is being done to protect them and their habitats.

Talented animals

Describes six very talented animals: Twiggy, a squirrel who water-skis; Tracker, a dog who acts; Tilly, a dog who paints; Koko, a gorilla who uses sign language and paints; and Siri and Ruby, elephants who also paint.

Animal masterminds

Describes four highly intelligent animals: Hans, a clever horse; Alex, a parrot who counts and speaks; Washoe, a chimp who uses sign language; and Betty, a crow who uses tools.

Medical marvels

a chapter book
Presents four true stories about people who have overcome extreme medical problems, including the Mohamed and Ahmed Ibrahim, twins joined at the head who were successfully separated in 2003, and Christopher Reeve, the actor who regained some motor and sensory function five years after an accident left him a quadriplegic.


Introduces the activities of humans in space, including the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, Shannon Lucid's work on the Russian space station Mir, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Voyager missions to Jupiter and Saturn.


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