Introducing living things

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What kind of living thing is it?

Explains what living things are, looks at animal bodies, and discusses the characteristics of insects, reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, plants, and other living things.
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Plants are living things

Introduces children to the basics of photosynthesis and food chains.

Living things need water

Shows young children why all plants, animals, and people need water to grow and survive.

How do living things find food?

Describes food-gathering techniques animals use, such as camouflage, echolocation, pouncing, trapping, poisoning, and using tools.

What kind of living thing is it?

Examines the characteristics of living organisms, describing the features of an insect, reptile, fish, bird, mammal, and plant, as well as such unusual creatures as bacteria, polyps, mollusks, and worms.

Is it a living thing?

Highlights the characteristics of living things and shows how they are all dependent on non-living things to stay alive.

I am a living thing

Explains in a simple way why people are living things.

Living things in my back yard

Meet some common backyard residents such as birds, butterflies, raccoons, squirrels, bees, skunks, and frogs, and occasional visitors such as bats, deer, and coyotes.

Animal families

Explores familial behavior in animals, discussing how parents care for their young and group behaviors.

Animals grow and change

Full-color photographs and simple text introduce young readers to how living things grow and change.


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