wings (anatomy)

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wings (anatomy)

Wings & beaks

"[Relates] the stories of the scientists and engineers who have observed, studied, and mimicked the abilities of flying creatures, from bees and dragonflies to bats and birds"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Wings & beaks

Perfectly Norman

Norman is thrilled to discover he grew a pair of wings overnight, but his excitement turns to doubt when he realizes he is now different from everyone else, causing him to question whether there is such a thing as perfectly normal.
Cover image of Perfectly Norman

P?jaro de medianoche

Twig, aged twelve, is practically ignored by classmates and other residents of Sidwell, Massachusetts, but gets along fine with just her mother and brother, whose presence must be kept secret, until descendants of the witch who cursed her family move in next door and want to be her friends.
Cover image of P?jaro de medianoche

Unicorn wings

A unicorn has a horn that can do magic, but he wishes that he had wings.


Text and photographs explore how animals use flight, and discusses the importance of this adaptation to survival.
Cover image of Flight


Twig, aged twelve, is practically ignored by her classmates and other residents of Sidwell, Massachusetts, but gets along fine with just her mother and brother, whose presence must be kept secret, until descendants of the witch who cursed her family move in next door and want to be her friends.


Twig, aged twelve, is practically ignored by classmates and other residents of Sidwell, Massachusetts, but gets along fine with just her mother and brother, whose presence must be kept secret, until descendants of the witch who cursed her family move in next door and want to be her friends.


An introduction to wings, explaining what they are for, where they are found, and what they look like on a variety of different animals.


Simple text and photographs describe various creatures with wings, including bees, bluebirds, bats, ducks, and owls.


Photographs and simple Spanish text describe the different types of wings animals have, explaining what they are used for and what they look like.


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