I like space!

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What is the moon?

Presents facts about the moon in question-and-answer format, covering such topics as its phases, surface, and distance from Earth.

What do you know about the sun?

Provides answers to questions about the sun, including if a person can stand on the sun, why the Earth needs the sun, who studies the sun, and others.

What do you know about earth?

Introduces early readers to subjects about Earth in a question and answer format, discussing the atmosphere, volcanoes, water, seasons, and more.

What do astronauts do?

Uses a question-and-answer format to teach children about astronauts, describing their daily activities and responsibilities.

What are stars?

Provides answers to questions about stars, discussing how they are made, how long they shine, why they twinkle, who studies them, and more.

What is the solar system?

An introduction to the planets of our solar system and other features such as asteroids, meteoroids, comets, and moons.
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