resignation from office

resignation from office

The final days

The Final Days is the #1 New York Times bestselling, classic, behind-the-scenes account of Richard Nixon?s dramatic last months as president. Moment by moment, Bernstein and Woodward portray the taut, post-Watergate White House as Nixon, his family, his staff, and many members of Congress strained desperately to prevent his inevitable resignation.

Watergate and the resignation of President Nixon

"Why did Richard Nixon become the first president to resign? Readers discover the answer to this question as they explore the political scandal known as Watergate. This . . . topic is explained through . . . main text featuring annotated quotations from historians as well as historical figures and documents. Primary sources, . . . sidebars, and a . . . timeline provide additional information and context for readers looking for insight into this challenging time in American history. Watergate continues to influence how Americans view politics and politicians, and a deeper understanding of why is crucial for the next generation of informed American citizens"--Amazon.

Presidential succession

Ford, Rockefeller, & the 25th amendment

The final days

Portrays the post-Watergate White House of Richard Nixon, as the President, his family, his staff, and many legislators tried desperately to prevent his resignation.

Washington journal

the events of 1973-1974

Living through Watergate

A collection of personal narratives about the Watergate scandal of the 1970s by those who were closely associated with it including Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Barbara Jordon, Sam Ervin, and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who broke the news of the break-in.

Eyewitness to Watergate

a documentary history for students

The final days

Portrays the post-Watergate White House of Richard Nixon, as his family, his staff and many legislators strained desperately to prevent his resignation.
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