The author describes her work studying dolphin communication and her invention of a listening device that allows researchers to tell which of a group of dolphins is vocalizing underwater.
When a baby albino dolphin caught in old fishing netting washes ashore, Paralympics sailing hopeful Felix and English school girl Kara work with veterinarians and specialists to save and reunite the dolphin with her mother, setting off a chain of events that might just save the reef from the environmental effects of proposed dredging.
Sophie works as a field biologist and naturalist specializing in birds aboard a ship bound for deep ocean waters to study, paint, and record sightings of whales, leaping manta rays, and other marine life.
Introduces the unusual dolphins that have adapted to life in the Amazon River region of South America, explores their habitats, and explains why they are endangered and what can be done to protect them.
Provides descriptions and annotated illustrations of various species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises, and includes distribution maps, as well as habitat, group size, adult weight, and other indicators.