A collection of more than three hundred "would you rather" questions designed to provoke discussions of boys, celebrities and pop culture, school, friends and enemies, and other topics.
Presents a collection of wordless comics in which the Black Spy and the White Spy engage in ridiculous and humorous antics of intrigue and deception to get the upper hand on each other.
conspiracies you don't have to be crazy to believe
Belzer, Richard
Richard Belzer attempts to uncover the facts behind a variety of government conspiracies, including who really killed JFK, what really happened at Roswell, and what American astronauts really found on the moon.
Contains humorous essays written by Woody Allen in the 1960s and 70s for "The New Yorker" and other magazines, featuring the complete texts of his bestsellers "Getting Even," "Without Feathers," and "Side Effects.".
Comedian Wanda Sykes presents essays on such topics as George W. Bush's presidency, racism, marriage, women, drinking, football, and Native American mascots.
Contains over 5,000 humorous remarks, quips, and observations about such topics as appearance, sex, work, money, education, morality, the arts, sports, alcohol, travel, and more.